Week 2A: Social Media Platforms

The accounts that are more geared toward personal use are Snapchat and Twitter. 
I think this is because of the inherent brevity that is built into the platforms. 
Until recently, Snapchat had a max of 10 seconds before the picture or video disappeared into cyberspace and 
could only be seen again if the poster decided to add it to their story or the receiver took a screenshot of the content and passed it on. 
Another platform that errs more on the side of personal use is Twitter given that the Twitterverse has become a hotbed of cacophonous banter.
However, Twitter is able to help individuals establish their brand and connect to followers on a more personal level since the content blurbs are restricted to 140 characters or less. 
Twitter is good for sending content that is quick and trending, whereas Facebook, Yelp, and Instagram seem to have a longer shelf life in cyberspace.
Facebook originally started out as a platform for connecting with friends and family, but has evolved to a whole new level of marketing for businesses. 
Instagram is another platform that works well for both personal use and business use. 
Studies have shown that people are more likely to remain on a page/post longer if there is an interesting picture or video. 
Instagram is able to help establish and maintain an individual’s or business’s brand and the way it is set up allows for users to see archives of content or the content that is popular.
It’s hard to say which account is a catch-all for businesses as it depends on target audiences and the product/service that is being provided. 
However, I default to Facebook as it is the most user friendly and has great resources such as analytics and content plans.


  • Which social media platforms seem geared towards personal use? Why do you think so?
  • Which ones seem to work better for business? What makes them seem more suitable to business use?
  • Do any seem to work well for both? How are they used differently?


  1. You make some great points about the brevity of the various social media platforms. I'm curious to learn more about why you think they may be so popular. The stereotype of the millennial generation is that they have very short attention spans. But my daughters are millennials, and I don't believe they have short attention spans; but they do use much of the social media that is brief in nature. Any ideas on this subject?

    1. I'm a millenial myself and I don't think it's an issue that is unique to a certain generation, for better or worse, the exponential growth of technology is changing the brain chemistry of the entire species. It also begs the question as to whether "traditional" expectations of young people were achievable to begin with.

      I think that social media is so popular because of the convenience. A lot of information can be shared and received faster than ever before .


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