Week 3_Part 2: Five Business Examples

  • Brightwork newmusic
  • brightworknewmusic.com
  • Twitter
  • Twitter is used often
  • Last Tweet 2/11/18
  • The frequency of tweets coincide with upcoming concerts and projects. 
    Brightwork could establish a stronger presence to remain relevant to followers outside of the concert setting.

  • The Women’s International Music Network (WIMN)
  • www.thewimn.com
  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube
  • YouTube video posts coincide with either WIMN hosted events or what their correspondents are reporting on in the industry. 
    They should utilize some of the shorter videos from Instagram to keep up with the social media bandwagon. 
    Twitter has a strong presence with lots of retweeting, Facebook and Instagram also use the sharing functions.
  • YouTube: 1/28/18, Twitter: 2/12/18, Instagram: 2/12/18, Facebook 2/13/18.
  • There is consistent amounts of posts between the four social media accounts. 
    However I think it is superficial because they are cross-posts across the networks rather than original content, which can get tiresome to the audience.

  • SoundGirls.org
  • soundgirls.org
  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr
  • All of the social media accounts other than Tumblr have posts since 2/13/18.
  • Their tumblr account appears to be brand new since there isn’t any content yet. 
    Links well used or hardly used. 
    Pinterest is used adequately, though they have not created a new board for 2018 yet like they have for past years.
     Instagram looks like it has the most unique content and the most often used of the five. 
    Twitter mostly utilizes content from Facebook. 
    Their Facebook account is mostly used for the journalism pieces and upcoming events.

  • Women’s Audio Mission (WAM)
  • www.womensaudiomission.org
  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, Sharethis
  • Aside from 4-month old YouTube videos and 1-4 week old Linkedin posts, WAM has well used social media accounts.  
    Though there are some cross-postings, most of their posts package information to where at first glance it does not appear to be the exact same thing just optimized for a different handle. 
    Their Instagram and Twitter accounts appear to tie for most used accounts. 

  • Mad Sun Marketing
  • http://www.mad-sun.com/
  • Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin
  • The posting on Facebook has tapered off since their last post on 11/28/17.
  • Interestingly, both the Twitter and Linkedin account listed on the website belongs to the founder of Mad Sun Marketing Laura B. Whitmore.
  • The Twitter account is well used with a few posts per week. The last post was 2/9/18.
  • Since the Linkedin account is private, it is hard to tell how frequent the posts are. The founder might want to consider making a separate account for Mad Sun or making her personal account public.

This exercise has helped me immensely in how I approach my own work as a coordinator and how I look to other businesses.
 Prior to this I might have been dazzled with the number of posts but rarely took the time to see how the content is practically all cross-posted. 
As I look for inspiration from my competitors, I will use elements from this exercise to analyze their handles and then as an internal check at my own ventures.


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